A Dove's Cry
i am a bleeding heart dove. lemuria is my temple. lemuria is the dove is the body is the flame. i map your quietness with the shivering hands of nine, wrapped up in the hour. i am a language of flowers. holy holy holy is all that is made. there is no territory, but zero and the map of five suffice. despite my alchemy, i am utterly yours. kiss me with the lines of your face in their full array. your face is faceless as your name. you will not take my heart alive, so take, take me past your zero hour. eighty-four paths, merciful and severe: everything is a path, all states of matter. suspending the body, suspending the flame, suspending the break, the dove, the sky. i am amid the law, so i am with you. cast out off your shore, i am with you. sublime love, bear witness. annihilation, bear witness. every second, bear witness. i am with you.