This webpage is an in-depth gematria based on the cipher commonly known as AQ. AQ is an alphanumeric cipher similar to Simple Gematria in which the numerals 0 through 9 are valued as such and the letters A through Z are valued from 10 to 36, independent of case. AQ is of special significance to the the Neo-Lemurian tradition, sometimes referred to as "time sorcery." This page serves to calculate less explicit qualities of a term's internal composition through several modes of AQ.
The In-Depth Gematria, or IDG, has two modes. The first mode is to calculate the qualities of a term, which is accomplished by writing that term in the INSTRING field and clicking CALCULATE. This will fill in the other fields with the term's qualities. The second mode is to search various glossaries for terms of specified qualities, which occurs when the CALCULATE button is pressed while the INSTRING field is either empty or ends with "+" (more on this later). The search mode will not return anything unless glossaries are selected from the options at the bottom of the page; active glossaries are coloured green and placed in a square.
There are two types of fields in the IDG: the AQ, VCOMP, and FCOMP fields, which pertain to AQ; and the LEN, ALPHABET, CONTAINS, and INSTRING fields, which refer to peripheral qualities of interest. The LEN field refers to the length of a term; the ALPHABET field limits what letters can appear within that term; and the CONTAINS field can be supplied with a list of substrings, separated by "; ", which must appear in the term. The INSTRING field, if it ends with a "+", is not a requirement but rather modifies the calculation of AQ, VCOMP, and FCOMP by prepending its contents to the term being evaluated.
AQ, VCOMP, and FCOMP are all modes of expressing a term's calculation in AQ. The AQ field contains the sum of all the values of all valid characters within the term. The FCOMP field, or "fluid decomposition" field, takes these same values and concatenates them rather than summing them. The VCOMP, or "viscous decomposition" field, functions just like the FCOMP field but concatenates the digital root of each character's value rather than the value itself.
By default, the AQ, VCOMP, and FCOMP fields are set to the "plain" mode, such that they are evaluated and searched for unmodified. There are, however, four other modes denoted by the options below "plain." The "zones" option removes the order of the field from consideration, such that e.g. "90" and "09" would be evaluated as identical. The "impul" option, for "impulse," goes further than "zones" by replacing all pairs of repeat zones with the digital root of their sum, doing so until no duplicate zones remain. The "lemur" function goes further still and applies an immanent process of the numogram to further whittle down an impulse to a pair of two unordered non-repeating numerals. Finally, the "decim" function simply takes the digital root of the term's AQ value; this modification will result in the same value for AQ, VCOMP, and FCOMP.
The IDG hosts several set glossaries and has an option for inserting a custom glossary. This latter capacity is accessed by clicking the NEW button at the end of the list of glossaries at the end of the page; this will open an editable text box at the bottom of the page. Terms in this box can be separated from each other either by a new line or by a ", ". You can safely disable the NEW glossary without losing its contents, but its contents are not saved between sessions; please store its contents in another location.
At present, the glossaries offered on the IDG are as follows: W58K, which contains ~58,000 English words; W370K, which contains ~370,000 English words; MENG, a glossary derived from a Middle English dictionary; COMB, a glossary of English prefixes and suffixes; FNAMES and LNAMES, respectively containing tens of thousands of first and last names found on Facebook; and URBAN, the glossary of words developped by's "Nummificator" gematria before it ceased to function. There is also the TINKER function, which is empty by default but will access a glossary saved on the Tinkerable Gematria, also on xenocx.