
Lilli Patch - 𝌰𝌪

Hallelujah, hallelujah, twenty-four times daily!

It begins and ends with the beginning. HA, or AH: the first syzyllable of the thirty-six, the first letter with its nearest pair. With A as 1 and H as 8, 81 lies at the ends of hallelujah, whose AQ is 180, an 81 aquivalence. 81, first of the three syzygies of time, parallel to the plex, right on the verge of a departure. Even when transliterated poorly, the word only takes on yet another beginning. Alleluia is tied up in the lemur of openings, concording with her in its quasiphonics and in its aquivalency. All the more perfect is alleluia for the presence of "lu," the approximate sound of zero which begins the first door's traditional name.

We begin with hallelujah and from hallelujah there proceeds all the other syzygies. Repeated fives times it forms five different syzygies, all the syzygies coming into place. The impulse of its decimated letters is 75321, a 72 and 531 (which is also 72). The aquivalence of its opening and closing syzyllable is also 72, repeated twice. In both cases, twice 72 begets 54. Its fluid decomposition is equal to its viscous decomposition save the addition of 9 and 0, a difference which is no difference. And the letter of hallelujah's ultimate repeating is the threefold repetition of l, which is 3: 333, which is 63.

Hallelujah, a word which is two words which, on their own, form two crossing lemurs. Hallelu is AQ 134, and jah is AQ 46; the former lemurifies to 53, the latter to 64. The split is a split of reversals and swirls, for each side implicates the other. "Jah" means God, and God is AQ 53; and more specifically, it is an abbreviation of a Hebrew word for God, in the manner of "El," which is AQ 35. So the sense of Jah is found not in its own number, but in its opposite. 64 is the lemur of the hex, including all the impulses within the six zones and so the whole environ of the lemurs of time. "Hallelu" is a call to praise, and how this relates to 64 will be shortly seen.

Twenty-four verses in the Book of Psalms cry out hallelujah. Hallelujah's repeated syzyllable, at the skull and the tail one way and the other, say how to read these utterances. The lemurs of time, the only lemurs which can go both ways, are twelve, each of which is doubled by its twofold transit, doubling to twenty-four. The twenty-four hours of the day, divided at midnight and midday; the twenty-four unfused spinal vertebrae, of which the lumbar region takes half; all proclaim hallelujah. And the post-sacral spine, whose number is nine vertebrae split into five and four, proclaims it in its own fashion. Added together, the letters of hallelujah form an AQ reducible to 9; decomposed into 75321, they pass on to become 54.

Hallelujah is machine code to the vertebrae of the day and the hours of the spine. It is a call by which they are brought to rejoice, to partake in the joy which, to a Spinozist, is the feeling of increasing perfection and power. Its qabbala is a spell and a hack, a workaround for the boundaries of the body. In the determinacy of existing time and against its sufferings, there is always a door to be found in hallelujah.


P.S. Psalms containing the word hallelujah include psalm 145, the aquivalence of alleluia, and psalm 135, hallelujah's inner trisyzyllable. Psalm 114, the aquivalence of lemur and a duplicitous form of 24, is a hallel psalm and proceeds from the terminal hallelujah of psalm 113.