zygotriadic faq

lillian patch - 𝍊𝌦

Q: What is the zygotriadic calendar?

a: the zygotriadic calendar is a calendric system constructed from six triadic values. each value can be incremented not at all, once, or twice, with three increments returning it to zero and incrementing the next value. values multiply their increments by a place value, which are, in order: 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243. that means 729 increments, corresponding to 729 days, pass before each cycle resets.

Q: What makes this suitable for a calendar?

a: well, first off, a cycle is very close to corresponding with a two-year period. in fact, adding three leap days across a two cycle period corresponds to four 365.25-day years. once this is out of the way, the zygotriadic calendar furnishes many necessary features of a calendar. calendars work by dividing time into repeating units; in the case of the oecumenic calendar, these are days, weeks, months, years. across its six values, this calendar does so amply, and does so by a consistent triadic logic.

Q: How are dates represented?

a: using tetragrams. tetragrams consist of four stacked lines, which can be either unbroken, broken once, or broken twice. two of these together have enough space to convey a position in a cycle. here, the left tetragram runs, from top to third bar, place 1-3-9, while the right tetragram runs, from third bar to top, 27-81-243, placing values at corresponding extremes next to each other (into primitive syzygies). bottom bars are used for leap days: when one comes, they are simultaneously incremented instead of the rows above. the bars are once broken after the first leap day, twice after the second, and unbroken after the third, carrying over between cycles. every tetragram is available in unicode, but for a keyboard-accessible version, these tetragrams can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise; | is an unbroken bar, ( is once broken, and [ is twice broken. both are provided on this page under the "present day" heading.

Q: What date does the page currently represent?

a: by default, it provides the present day; however, this can be changed. using the "timeshift" function, a yyyy mm dd gregorian date, a pair of tetragrams, or a number of days into a two-cycle period can be inputted, and the present day will change accordingly. number of days into a cycle are shown under the "decimated" heading, starting at 0. to find a two-cycle result, if the denominator is 730, add 730 for the terminated first cycle.

Q: What the hell is sixfold harmonics??

a: sixfold harmonics is a method by which standard lemurian intensities are derived from zygotriadic dates. a lemur consists of two decimal numbers from 0-9. a zygotriadic tetragram, however, arguably consists of no numbers at all; bars are successive, but do not quantify real objects. to do so, they need to be transcoded by a decimal frame to yield results. this frame assigns values to each type of bar, by which all values of a tetragram can be summed together, and the result's digits summed together, down to a digital root. do this with two frames and a lemur is found. any set of values from 1-8 can yield any decimal value, except for 0, which cannot be added to; however, because lemurs consist of uneven poles, both these problems can be resolved together by summing equal poles to a digital root, which is used for one pole while the other is 0 (e.g. 7::7 = 5::0). this imports the numogram's doubling movement into the calendar.

Q: Can you explain the rotating clockface diagram?

a: this diagram sets the decimal frames for deriving lemurs. numerals are divided into two sets, one darker and one lighter, corresponding to two separate frames. on the outer ring, time-circuit values from both sets are alternately placed; considered on their own, each set follows a doubling movement (124875), and considered together, they are arranged into syzygies (72 54 and 81, twice repeated). the inner ring organizes warp-values (3 and 6) by the same rubric. three values from both sets can be clicked at once, lighting them up, and the central zero can be clicked to unselect both sets.

Q: What is an imp chord?

a: values selected for decimal frames comprise two imp, or impulse, chords. these are sorted from least to greatest to correspond with tetragrammatic values, because while bars are quantitatively unspecified, they do ascend relative to each other. once no chord contains 9 (which is a placeholder value; 9 = 0), the sum of the present date is found, organized into a net-span, and associated with a lemur from the pandemonium matrix.

Q: Where does this calendar come from?

a: this zygotriadic calendar owes itself to several progenitors. chief among these are the nma numeric practices described by ccru research, including both what remains of their original zygotriadic calendar and the numogram. also invaluable was the taixuanjing, for formulating a system of tetragrams, and unicode, for making them digitally accessible. unix was essential in providing an epoch to apply zygotriadics to (counting seconds from 1970 01 01). scraps of my own calendric work were essential resources, both of knowledge and code. finally, sudden insights led to much of the methodology used here; these i attribute solely to the lemurs.

Q: Is this all there is to say about the zygotriadic calendar?

a: not by a long shot. this faq explains how the zygotriadic calendar functions, but leaves a great deal unsaid about its implications and reasons to use it. to exhaustively catalogue these here would mean indefinitely deferring the release of this calendar; they will be elaborated on in future texts, either by me or my peers.